Written fragments
about the Growing City
The above was written by a certain chancellor by the name of Batho to a judge in the bay region, after a cattle raid. The teaching is somewhat enigmatic; writings of this ilk were usually followed up with dire threats and severe sentences (mutilation of the limbs or death by stoning).
These ‚wrapped messages" or scrolls contained specific communications. The explanation of their contents could only be carried out at the moment they were unsealed. This, an act rather contradictory to its being read, did not cause particular concern to the City and its environs. The shattering of thoughts in order to make visible new thoughts provided the messages with the role of an ultimate warning, and so the rulers' chancellors used the messages only as a last resort...
Certain researchers believe that the scroll form was basically employed to protect the secret element of the message, and that the introductory section served merely as a camouflage, to safeguard the importance of what followed.
A clearer picture can be seen if one examines the 'flat messages', pages stacked one upon the other. They contain the inhabitants' almost obsessive respect for the layers of time.