S. J. Robin's reconstruction
S. J. Robin's reconstruction of the Growing City, 1925
paper, water-colours, bister · 25 × 70 cm
John Maclean: Travelogue from the Growing City
bister wash, whitewash, paper · 15 × 21,8 cm, no date, signed NE at bottom right corner Entered the Growing City Archive from the Esterházy collection (Gabion Republic)
John Maclean: Travelogue from the Growing City
bister wash, whitewash, paper · 10,8 × 17,3 cm, no date, signed NE at bottom right corner Entered the Growing City Archive from the Esterházy collection (Gabion Republic)
In the bequest of John Maclean, who became famed for his slave-trading practices, there were in addition to the sketches numerous objects originating from the Growing City. The archaeologist S. J. Robin attempted in vain to unearth these related unusual references in what is known as the Pescarelli Inventory, and neither did the Gabion Republic offer further enlightenment as to the types and location of the objects.